Most everyone who uses a computer is somehow using a server. But how do servers work? They work pretty simply. They are simply a go-between a person sitting at a computer asking for something and the place where the something is, digitally of course. The server helps to transmit the data from one place to a device.
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IP adresses

More in depth, a computer has an IP address. IP simply stands for internet protocol. When sending data across the internet waves, there has to be a way to identify where to send something. The IP address attached to your computer is unique therefore when you ask for information, the serve machine knows where to send it.
Now Tcp, or Transmission Control Protocol is the rules set forth for how information is set up to communicate and keep up with a network conversation. The conversation being when we google and such. From the moment we hit send, tcp is in use. Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol work together to deliver the information we look for, send, and receive.
Routing is a part of this whole computer communicating system. You think of all the above tech lingos as the stopping points or starting points. The routing is the way all the information gets from one point to the other. Routing has three parts to it:
- -databases
- -algorithms
- -protocols
These three working together allow gathering and storing, path determination, a place for info to be placed when something is discovered by an algorithm. With these components, info is able to get from A to B.
Of course, the overall system is a bit more complex than this, but this is a little bit of a breakdown on how the info you ask for on your computer gets determined, found, and delivered back to you.